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Our Philosophy Mission and Vision

Philosophy/Mission/Vision/Student Learning Expectations (SLE’s) 

The philosophy guiding St. Mary's Catholic School flows from the philosophical tenets of Idaho Catholic Schools which are part of the teaching ministry of the Roman Catholic Church 

St. Mary’s Philosophy: As a Christian educational community, it is our intention to support and empower our students, through a challenging curriculum within a Christ-centered environment so that they may reach their fullest potential both academically and spiritually. 

Mission: St. Mary's Catholic School exists as a vital part of the St. Mary’s Church ministry by serving as an evangelization arm for the parish. Our Mission is to encourage and challenge its students to grow tangibly in their relationship with God, as they strive to be life-long learners igniting their faith, knowledge, creativity, and service.

Vision for each student at St. Mary's Catholic School:

 Imagine your child…
Increasing in respectfulness, resourcefulness and responsibility
Focusing on God’s loving presence
Being guided by devoted and professional teachers
Being equipped to excel and growing in confidence
Becoming dream makers and world changers….
Imagine your child changing the world

By the time they graduate, our students will have gained growth in the three R’s (which are the Student Learning
 Expectations (SLE’s)
 that flow from the school’s Philosophy, Mission, and Vision for each student).

Respect (for self and for others),
Responsibility (for self and to others); and
Resourcefulness (using one’s gift to build a better world).

Our Three R’s Poem (memorized by every student) 

The rules that lead and light our school begin with letter R
They lead our faith, our work, our life you’ll know us from afar. 

Respect’s the word that leads the way, we’re courteous, patient, polite
It helps us all to get along and always know what’s right.

Responsibility shows and grows our work’s on time and neat
We’re prepared, and homework’s always done, we learn and never cheat.

Resourcefulness, the final rule we serve and help each other
Our gifts will build community and show Jesus is our brother.