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Curriculum for St. Mary's Catholic School

Preschool through Eighth Grade

Our integrated curriculum, from pre-school (3-year-old) through 8th grade, has a mission of growing Disciples of Christ. A major focus of our curriculum is learning to grow, work, and thrive as a community of learners in a Christ-centered environment. From kindergarten on, students serve as leaders at the school Mass on Wednesdays where they learn to speak, gain confidence in front of people, and know they are loved by God. In helping our community learn to be present to God in our very busy lives, each day, the entire school takes a few minutes at 12:30 pm where they sit quietly, close their eyes, and listen to and reflect on God’s presence in their lives.

We start each day with an “All-School Assembly” where we recognize your child on their birthday or half birthday with a blessing, recognition of their gifts and talents, and a book that s/he has chosen that goes into the library in your child’s name. We say the Pledge of Allegiance, prayers, and engage children in community. Your child (whether a 3-year-old through 8th grade) becomes known, valued, and loved by everyone in the school. Service, looking to help others, is an important part of our curriculum. As classes and as a school, our students learn to identify and help those in need within our community and across the nation and world. Additionally, our overall curriculum emphasizes leadership through religion, music, student council, and service activities. As one graduate recently wrote on the school’s FACEBOOK: “I went there almost 20 years ago and even before the expansion it was top notch! To this day, I credit St. Mary’s for instilling solid work ethic, compassion, curiosity, and determination in me. I wouldn’t change my time there for anything!!!”

Life-long Learning

Our curriculum provides a strong foundation in the skills needed for life-long learning. These skills include, but are not limited to the areas of STREAM:


The focus in education today is to help students be prepared for the high-powered jobs twenty plus years from now. Reality? To be really prepared to face the unknown future, students still need to be fluent in all core subjects, especially reading and thinking skills; they must develop skills of resiliency and hope in the face of adversity.  Lastly, they must develop skills of being able to work with others in cooperative and effective ways.

As you read about our curriculum starting in Preschool and continue all the way through Eighth grade, look for the many ways we are working effectively with our students now and for the future!