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School Board

St. Mary's Catholic School Board is an advisory board that acts in a consultative capacity to the pastor and principal. St. Mary's Catholic School Board Members do not make policy and are not responsible for policies or actions of the school. Rather, their responsibility is to offer advice, ideas, input, to the pastor and principal regarding the school, its fundraisers and other activities that supports the school. For a more detailed description of St. Mary's Catholic School Board check with the school’s Family Handbook. For current list of School Board members contact the school office at 208-882-2121.

School Board Charter

School Board List of Members

Billing, Jonathan

Term Ends 2024

Boling, Tamara

Term Ends 2026

Couch, Matt

Term Ends 2026

Croyle, Randi

Term Ends 2026

Helbling, Ellie

Term Ends 2024

Kahler, Michelle

Term Ends 2024

Kirchner, Kevin

Term Ends 2026

Rauch, Stacy

Term Ends 2025

Ristine, Tom

Term Ends 2025

Sheftic, Matt

Term Ends 2025

Ex-officio (non-voting members)

Fr. Benjamin Onyemachi


Fr. Anthony Ojagbo


Peggy Quesnell

Admin Team

Sandy Izzo


Debbie Johnson

Facilities Mgr.

Rasheen Acree

Bus. Mgr.

Brad Herrenbruck

Admin Team