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Student Learning Expectations

St. Mary's Catholic School Rules are simple in that they revolve around three concepts: being respectful, responsible and using one’s resources to helping others (resourcefulness).

  • Each student will be respectful. Some ways students will show respectfulness are
    • Following the rules of the school.
    • Obeying guideline regarding inside/outside behaviors.
    • Respecting school property of school, other students and one’s own.
    • Showing kindness and caring in actions and words to all members of the school community
    • Using good manners at all times.
    • Listening well and not interrupting conversations of others.
  • Each student will be responsible. Some ways students will demonstrate being responsible are
    • Being punctual for school.
    • Having assignments done on time.
    • Following school safety procedures at all times.
    • Accepting consequences for one’s behavior and choices.
  • Each student will be willing to use one’s resourcefulness (i.e. one’s gifts). Some ways students will show their resourcefulness are:
    • When dealing with challenging situations in the classroom, s/he will use one’s gifts to build classroom community.
    • When trying to solve “problems” they will use multiple approaches.

 The Three R’s of St. Mary's Catholic School

The rules that lead and light our school begin with letter R
They lead our faith, our work, our life you’ll know us from afar.

Respect’s the word that leads the way we’re courteous, patient, polite
It helps us all to get along and always know what’s right.

Responsibility shows and grows our work’s on time and neat
We’re prepared, and homework’s always done we learn and never cheat.

Resourcefulness, the final rule we serve and help each other
Our gifts will build community and show Jesus is our brother.

The rules that lead and light our school begin with letter R
They lead our faith, our work, our life you’ll know us from afar.